
matrix completion, binary signal

Online matrix completion for signed link prediction. WSDM'17.

This work studies the binary matrix completion problem underlying a large body of real-world applications such as signed link prediction and information propagation. That is, each entry of the matrix indicates a binary preference such as “like” or “dislike”, “trust” or “distrust”. However, the performance of existing matrix completion methods may be hindered owing to three practical challenges:

  • the observed data are with binary label (i.e., not real value);
  • the data are typically sampled non-uniformly (i.e., positive links dominate the negative ones)
  • a network may have a huge volume of data (i.e., memory and computational issue).

We propose a novel framework which

  • maximizes the resemblance between predicted and observed matrices as well as penalizing the logistic loss to fit the binary data to produce binary estimates;
  • constrains the matrix max-norm and maximizes the F-score to handle non-uniformness;
  • presents online optimization technique, hence mitigating the memory cost.

The loss function can be perfectly separated as: \begin{equation} L(Z,U,V;\Omega) = \sum_{(i,j)\in\Omega} \log (1+\exp(-Z_{ij}u_iv_i^T)). \end{equation}

The constraints can be rewritten as: \begin{equation} ||u_i||_2\leq \lambda, ||v_i||_2\leq \lambda, \forall 1\leq i\leq n. \end{equation}

The gradients with respect to \(u_i\) and \(v_j\) are given by: \begin{equation} \dfrac{\partial }{\partial u_i}L(Z, U, V; \Omega) = \frac{-Z_{ij}\exp(-Z_{ij}u_iv_j^T)}{1+\exp(-Z_{ij}u_iv_j^T)}v_j, \end{equation} \begin{equation} \dfrac{\partial }{\partial v_j}L(Z, U, V; \Omega) = \frac{-Z_{ij}\exp(-Z_{ij}u_iv_j^T)}{1+\exp(-Z_{ij}u_iv_j^T)}u_i. \end{equation}

Memory cost. \(O(dn)\) instead of \(O(n^2)\) of SDP (Semi-Definite Program), where \(d\) is approximated rank of \(Z\).

Convergence of threshold.The obtained threshold converges asymptotically to the global optimal value which maximizes the resemblance between \(B\) and \(Z\).