Economics Computation
At Amazon retail, the people with Ph.D. degree in Economics and Computer Science are assigned with the same title, applied scientist. I realize the importance of Economics knowledge at work, start to learn by myself. I read books of Professor N. Gregory Mankiw, such as “Principles of Economics”, “Macroeconomics”. It pointed out that tech companies hire Economics because the companies are as powerful or rich as a country. I have a second thought about the power of tech companies when the actions of the Federal Reserve lead to layoffs recently. One rule impresses me is that the time spent on the course is related to the final score. Later, I am lucky to get suggestions from Professor Garrett van Ryzin, and Professor Itai Ashlagi.
I read more papers of EC and listen to some talks on youtube channel “ACM SIGecom”. One of the keynote speaker of EC’22 is Professor Michael Jordan. He said his paper is rejected by EC because he considered the market with no money which is not interesting to EC people. He also mentioned the connections of the three foundational discriplines “Statistics”, “Computer Science” and “Economics” as shown below.

Professor Michael Jordan also introduces his team’s work
- Statistical Contract Theory by Stephen Bates, Michael Sklar and Jake Soloff, e.g. “Mechanisms that incentivize data sharing in federated learning”
- Strategic Classification by Tijana Zrnic and Eric Mazumdar
- Competing Bandits in Matching Markets by Lydia Liu and Horia Mania
- Learning Equilibria in Matching Markets from Bandit Feedback by Meena Jagadeesan, Alex Wei, Yixin Wang and Jacob Steinhardt
- Distribution-Free Uncerntainty Quantification for Decision-Making by Anastasios Angelopolous, Stephen Bates, Emmanuel Candes, and Lihua Lei. One-dimensional functional.